What Is A Prayer In Kabbalah?

Posted on November 6th, 2014 at 8:35 am

A real Kabbalist realizes that he is under the domination of the ego and only one inner point inside him, the so-called the point in the heart, is free of the egoistic influence and can connect him to the Creator.If he exerts himself and connects his point in the heart with the Creator, he receives the force that raises him above his ego and hebegins to gradually correct the ego by using it for the sake of altruism.All our work in spiritual correction is to ask the Creator for the powers to correct the ego. Therefore it plays such a positive role here,by awakening in us the need for the Creator.When we turn to the Creator we receive from Him the power needed for correction and in the corrected ego we feel a relativeconnection with the Creator. It isn’t contact at one specific point but a wider and stronger unity. Then an even greater ego appears, athicker ego, and once again we ask the Creator to give us the powers to correct it.This means that the ego that is constantly being revealed wakens us to connect to the Creator and is therefore called help against. Ourconstant appeal to the Creator asking for the correction of the ego is called a prayer.[146661]From KabTV’s “Short Stories” 10/22/14

he exerts himself and connects his point in the heart with the Creator, he receives the force that raises him above his ego and hebegins to gradually correct the ego by using it for the sake of altruism.All our work in spiritual correction is to ask the Creator for the powers to correct the ego. Therefore it plays such a positive role here,by awakening in us the need for the Creator.When we turn to the Creator we receive from Him the power needed for correction and in the corrected ego we feel a relativeconnection with the Creator. It isn’t contact at one specific point but a wider and stronger unity. Then an even greater ego appears, athicker ego, and once again we ask the Creator to give us the powers to correct it.This means that the ego that is constantly being revealed wakens us to connect to the Creator and is therefore called help against. Ourconstant appeal to the Creator asking for the correction of the ego is called a prayer.[146661]From KabTV’s “Short Stories” 10/22/14